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FIBO 2023 · Schedule of Daily Activities with T-BOW®


Actualizado: 10 abr 2023

Booth 9C68

the Original T-BOW® · Swiss quality since 1995

Schedule of T-Bow® ACTIVITIES

COACHES: Marcelo Lasso · Sasa Nocerino · Leti Pelegrín · Iván Farré · Santi Llimona · Adriana Antúnez · Gonzalo Cámara · David Ribera


· Experience any of the daily activities and:

  • receive a very useful T-BOW® Bag.

  • participate in the daily raffle of a KIT T-BOW®.

· Training with the T-Bow® on the best gym flooring, thanks to Pavigym.

· Reserve a day and time to experience the applicability of the T-Bow® that interests you the most for your gym or training site.


How to PARTICIPATE in the daily RAFFLE of a KIT T-BOW®

· Once you have participated in one of the practical activities with the T-BOW,

  1. Take a photo or mini-video with the T-Bow® and upload it as a story on your instagram, tagging @tbowfit

  2. Fill out a paper with your name and surname, email and instagram user.

We will verify that you have uploaded your story

This day at 5:00 p.m. we will hold the raffle at our stand and we will broadcast it live on instagram.

We will inform the winner who will be able to collect the KIT T-BOW® personally.


Reserve your spot for any practice and contact us for any doubt:

English: +34 936 07 33 77

Español: +34 665 76 03 87

Sandra Bonacina, inventor of the T-BOW® (1995), is professor of therapy and fitness at Zurich University.

Movement · Vitality · Fun

"With the T-BOW® we have a wonderful tool to get people moving. Movement means being alive and healthy. We feel fortunate to bring health and stress reduction with high quality programs to train all aspects of fitness and deep joint stability. So many people have fewer back and neck problems using the T-BOW®.It is fantastic that we can use it in all ages and groups. I am convinced that the T-BOW® will be a reference throughout the world for its high quality proven for years."

T-Bow® International Switzerland (since 1995) and T-Bow® Fit International (2021) produce the original T-BOW® to the highest Swiss quality standards, distribute it worldwide and with our technical experts focused exclusively on optimizing (a) the group fitness and personal training programs and services for gym, outdoor & home training (b) the courses of fitness, yoga, pilates, postural holistic, fit-sport training, therapy and movement education (c) the excellence in the science of training with/without the T-BOW®, we know what we do well and how we could do it better.

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