T-BOW® provides options for training in concave and convex positions, plus its capacity to be combined with other sports equipment, allows an endless repertoire of different exercises for coordination, conditioning, and cognitive training. T-BOW ® provides very effective exercises for optimizing static and dynamic balance, with variable foot support positions, plus strength and mobility exercises for the trunk.
T-BOW® is therefore extraordinarily versatile for group classes and personalized training in the fields of health, physiotherapy, movement education-training, recreation and sports performance.
When training strength for winter sports the T-BOW ® provides the following advantages:
Balance training with bilateral control of each foot when using the narrow edges, which also enhances the segmental independence of each leg (as opposed to a flat surface).
Elasticity with a healthy level of reactivity and applicability to sports activities (as opposed to soft materials), in both positions: unstableconcave and stable-convex.
A curved surface that allows great variability of independent or simultaneous support for simulating jumps, spins and re-balance.
Strength training, with preferential conditions of speed, maximum load or resistance, can be oriented with the T-BOW ® towards more targeted and special conditions for winter sports like skiing and snowboarding. An important detail is to select very precisely the surface to train with the TBOW ® so that the least “háptic” (kinaesthetic+tactile) sensation disturbances appear during sport practice.
It has been found that sequences of three exercises are effective for many individuals. The number of sets and repetitions should be individualized.
Here are two examples:
Orientation towards rapid-strength:
4-6 wide swings with loaded bar on the shoulders.
8-10 ballistic throws starting with weight on one foot and ending in equilibrium.
Contrast coordination supports and turns variability in multidirectional unbalanced position.
Orientation towards resistance-strength:
Successive jumps on a curved elastic plane, then slowing the speed down.
Short and quick balance in half squat position, then slowing the speed down.
Compensatory postural balance using the hands for support, rocking slowly with control.
Other alternatives are more oriented to competition consist of sequences of strength to simulate the time and / or number of repetitions of movement, either globally or in blocks.
Sandra Bonacina
Inventor of the T-BOW ® and professor at the University of Zurich.
David Ribera-Nebot
Technical Coordinator of EEB Sport Training Barcelona
Bonacina S (2005). Das mit dem multifunktionellen umgasende rainingsbogen training. Fitness Tribune, 93: 112-113. Seirul-lo Vargas F (1987). Sports Training Resources. INEF Barcelona.